§ 15.2-1424. Vacancies in office.
Vacancies in the office of board of supervisors or of council or an electedchairman or mayor, for whatever reason, shall be filled as provided for inTitle 24.2. A member of the board or council may be elected or appointed tofill a vacancy in the office of chairman or mayor.
The person appointed or elected to fill the vacancy shall possess the samelegal qualifications for the office as did the person whose position he isfilling.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of chairman or mayor, the duties ofthe office of chairman or mayor shall be performed by the vice-chairman orvice-mayor until a chairman or mayor is appointed or elected and qualifies.
Vacancies in the office of vice-chairman or vice-mayor shall be filled byappointment by the remaining members of the appropriate governing body fromits membership.
(1997, c. 587.)