§ 15.2-1626. Attorney for the Commonwealth.
The voters in every county and city shall elect an attorney for theCommonwealth unless otherwise provided by general law or special act. Theattorney for the Commonwealth shall exercise all the powers conferred andperform all the duties imposed upon such officer by general law. He mayperform such other duties, not inconsistent with his office, as the governingbody may request. He shall be elected as provided by general law for a termof four years. Every county and city may, with the approval of theCompensation Board, provide for employing compensated assistants to theattorney for the Commonwealth as in the opinion of the Compensation Board maybe required. Such assistant or assistants shall be appointed by the attorneyfor the Commonwealth for a term coterminous with his own. The compensationfor such assistants to the attorneys for the Commonwealth shall be asprovided for assistants to attorneys for the Commonwealth under § 15.2-1627.1.
(1997, c. 587.)