§ 15.2-1629. Part-time attorneys for the Commonwealth in certain counties mayseek full-time status.
A. Notwithstanding §§ 15.2-1627.1 and 15.2-1628, any attorney for theCommonwealth for a county may, with the consent of the Compensation Board,elect to devote full time to the duties of attorney for the Commonwealth at asalary equal to that for an attorney for the Commonwealth in a county with apopulation of more than 35,000. Such an election and consent by theCompensation Board shall be binding on the attorney for the Commonwealth andon successors in the office.
B. The Compensation Board shall prepare a list of localities eligible to havea full-time attorney for the Commonwealth and shall prioritize the listaccording to the same workload measures used by the Compensation Board instaffing standards established for assistant attorney for the Commonwealthpositions in Commonwealth's Attorneys' offices statewide.
C. Upon electing to become a full-time attorney for the Commonwealth and uponreceiving additional funding of such office by the Compensation Board, theattorney for the Commonwealth shall not thereafter engage in the privatepractice of law. No such election shall become effective until the July 1immediately following the date of election, or until another date as agreedupon by the attorney for the Commonwealth and the Compensation Board.
D. The Compensation Board shall fund such additional full-time offices of theattorney for the Commonwealth according to the priority list established insubsection B of this section, subject to appropriations by the GeneralAssembly.
(1993, c. 826, § 15.1-50.3; 1996, c. 561; 1997, c. 587; 2007, c. 417.)