§ 15.2-1632. (For applicability, see note) Employment of assistants toattorneys for the Commonwealth, subject to approval of Compensation Board.
Every county and city may, with the approval of the Compensation Board,provide for employing such additional assistant or assistants to the attorneyfor the Commonwealth as in the opinion of the governing body may be required.Such assistant or assistants shall be appointed by the attorney for theCommonwealth. The compensation for such assistants to the attorneys for theCommonwealth shall be as provided for assistants to attorneys for theCommonwealth under § 15.2-1627.1.
(Code 1950, §§ 15-9.1, 15-9.2; 1956, cc. 245, 669; 1960, c. 53; 1962, cc.189, 487, 623, § 15.1-9; 1964, c. 313; 1964, Ex. Sess., c. 3; 1994, cc. 780,792; 1997, c. 587.)
§ 15.2-1632. (For applicability, see note) Employment of assistants toattorneys for the Commonwealth, subject to approval of Compensation Board.
Every county and city may, with the approval of the Compensation Board,provide for employing such additional compensated assistant or assistants tothe attorney for the Commonwealth as in the opinion of the governing body maybe required. Such assistant or assistants shall be appointed by the attorneyfor the Commonwealth. The compensation for such assistants to the attorneysfor the Commonwealth shall be as provided for assistants to attorneys for theCommonwealth under § 15.2-1627.1.
(Code 1950, §§ 15-9.1, 15-9.2; 1956, cc. 245, 669; 1960, c. 53; 1962, cc.189, 487, 623, § 15.1-9; 1964, c. 313; 1964, Ex. Sess., c. 3; 1994, cc. 780,792; 1997, c. 587; 2000, c. 913.)