§ 15.2-1636.11. Determination of population.
For the purpose of fixing salaries specified in §§ 15.2-1608.1, 15.2-1608.2,15.2-1609.2, 15.2-1627.1, 15.2-1636.1, and 15.2-1636.2, the population ofeach county and city shall be according to the last preceding United Statescensus. If the area of any city has, since the last preceding United Statescensus, been increased by annexation, the population of such city, for suchpurposes, shall be the population thereof as shown by the last precedingUnited States census, plus the increase resulting from such annexation.Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the Compensation Board that thepopulation of any county or city has, since the last preceding United Statescensus, increased so as to entitle such county or city to be placed in ahigher salary bracket, such county or city shall be considered within suchhigher salary brackets.
(Code 1950, § 14-74; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-61; 1983, c. 600; 1998, c. 872.)