§ 15.2-1636.18. Deputies, office expenses, premiums on bonds, etc.
The Compensation Board shall determine (i) how many deputies and assistants,if any, are necessary to the efficient performance of the duties of theoffice of the officer filing a report required by § 17.1-283, (ii) whatshould be the compensation of such deputies and assistants, (iii) whatallowance, if any, should be made for office expenses and premiums onofficial bonds, and (iv) the manner in which such compensation should be paidor such allowance made. Each of such officers shall, on or before the firstday of November in each year, report to the Board, on official estimateblanks, furnished for such purpose, an estimate in itemized form showing theamount of expenses expected to be incurred in the operation and maintenanceof his office for the ensuing year, and all such expenses must be approved inadvance by the Board in order to be deductible under § 17.1-284. Nothing inthis section shall be construed as prohibiting the Compensation Board fromincreasing at any time in the year allowances for such expenses as providedin § 15.2-1636.19. The Compensation Board shall report annually to theGovernor on the expenses of such office.
(Code 1950, § 14-151; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-141; 1998, c. 872.)