§ 15.2-1636.7. Filing requests for salaries.
At the times hereinafter prescribed, every attorney for the Commonwealth,every city and county treasurer and commissioner of the revenue, or anyofficer, whether elected or appointed, who holds the combined office ofcounty or city treasurer and commissioner of the revenue, and every sheriff,in addition to all such officers serving two or more local governments whowere elected pursuant to § 15.2-1602, shall file with the chairman of theBoard, upon forms prescribed by it, a written request for the expense of hisoffice, stating the amount of salaries requested, and itemizing each item ofexpense for which allowance is sought, and every such officer shallconcurrently file a copy of the request with the governing body of the countyor city. Such requests shall be filed on or before February 1 preceding thebeginning of the fiscal year for which such requests are made.
The chairman of the Board may, at any time, submit to any officer a writtenquestionnaire concerning the affairs of his office, to ascertain all factsrelevant to the determination of the proper allowance to be made with respectto the officer's salaries and the expenses of his office. Every officer shallanswer fully and completely all questions so propounded and shall return thequestionnaire to the chairman within five days.
The provisions of this section shall not affect the powers of any countyoperating under an optional form of organization and government as providedby Chapter 3 (§ 15.2-300 et seq.) of this title to determine the budgets ofthe aforementioned officers.
(Code 1950, § 14-62; 1962, c. 439; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-50; 1966, c. 688;1972, c. 731; 1978, c. 431; 1979, c. 233; 1980, c. 588; 1983, c. 382; 1989,c. 242; 1998, c. 872.)