§ 15.2-1636.8. (For applicability, see note) Duties of Board in fixingsalaries, expenses, etc.
All salaries of such officers shall be as hereinafter provided. The expensesand other allowances of all such officers shall be fixed and determined on orbefore May 1 of each year. The Board shall, no later than the fifteenth dayfollowing final adjournment of the General Assembly of Virginia in eachsession, provide to such officers and the local governing body of each cityand county he represents, an estimate of expenses and other allowances to befixed by the Board for the next fiscal year. The Board shall, at meetingsduly called by the chairman, carefully consider the questionnaires andwritten requests filed as required by § 15.2-1636.7 and consider the workinvolved in the discharge of the duties of the respective officers, theextent to which such duties are imposed by actions of the local governingbody, the amount expended or proposed to be expended by each for clerks,deputies and other assistants, the efficiency with which the affairs of eachsuch office are conducted, and such other matters as the Board may deempertinent and material, including the number of local governments served ifmore than one, including the pay and compensation plan of each politicalsubdivision, if it has one, and the locality's plans for adjustments ofsalaries and expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, as well as the plan of theCommonwealth for adjustment of state salaries and expenses for such year. TheBoard shall fix and determine what constitutes a fair and reasonable budgetfor the participation of the Commonwealth toward the total cost of theoffice. Such budgets, in the aggregate, shall not contemplate stateexpenditures in excess of the appropriation available to the Board. Prior toholding any such meeting for the fixing of salaries and expenses as providedin this article, ten days' written notice of the time, place and purpose ofsuch meeting shall be given every officer affected and to the mayor or citymanager of the city or to the chairman of the governing body andadministrator, executive or manager of the county affected.
When the salaries, expenses and other allowances for the several counties andcities have been tentatively fixed by the Board they shall notify thegoverning body of each city and county of the amounts so fixed. Within thirtydays thereafter, but not later, the governing body may file with theCompensation Board any objection it may have to such allowances so fixed.When such objection is filed the Board shall fix a time for a hearing on suchobjection, of which time the governing body as well as the officer affectedshall have at least fifteen days' notice. For the purpose of determining themerits of such protest the governing body may designate two members of suchbody to serve as additional members of the Compensation Board and suchadditional members shall each have one vote on the Board.
The chairman of the Board shall record the salary of each such officer, hisclerks, assistants and deputies, and the allowances made for other items, andshall promptly notify each such officer of the same with respect to hisoffice.
In fixing, determining and recording the salaries of the full-time deputysheriffs mentioned in § 15.2-1609.2, the Board shall act solely withreference to establishing an aggregate allowance for personal services to therespective sheriffs for such deputy sheriffs. The annual salary of each suchfull-time deputy sheriff shall be fixed and determined as provided by §15.2-1609.2.
This section shall be effective on July 1, 1999.
(Code 1950, §§ 14-63, 14-64; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-51; 1966, c. 688; 1979, cc.233, 538; 1980, cc. 587, 588; 1983, c. 382; 1989, c. 242; 1994, cc. 780, 792;1998, c. 872.)
§ 15.2-1636.8. (For applicability, see note) Duties of Board in fixingsalaries, expenses, etc.
All salaries of such officers shall be as hereinafter provided. The expensesand other allowances of all such officers shall be fixed and determined on orbefore May 1 of each year. The Board shall, no later than the fifteenth dayfollowing final adjournment of the General Assembly of Virginia in eachsession, provide to such officers and the local governing body of each cityand county he represents, an estimate of expenses and other allowances to befixed by the Board for the next fiscal year. The Board shall, at meetingsduly called by the chairman, carefully consider the questionnaires andwritten requests filed as required by § 15.2-1636.7 and consider the workinvolved in the discharge of the duties of the respective officers, theextent to which such duties are imposed by actions of the local governingbody, the amount expended or proposed to be expended by each for clerks,deputies and other assistants, the efficiency with which the affairs of eachsuch office are conducted, and such other matters as the Board may deempertinent and material, including the number of local governments served ifmore than one, including the pay and compensation plan of each politicalsubdivision, if it has one, and the locality's plans for adjustments ofsalaries and expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, as well as the plan of theCommonwealth for adjustment of state salaries and expenses for such year. TheBoard shall fix and determine what constitutes a fair and reasonable budgetfor the participation of the Commonwealth toward the total cost of theoffice. In its deliberations with respect to any office of an attorney forthe Commonwealth, the Board shall not consider whether volunteer assistantsare being used in that office. Such budgets, in the aggregate, shall notcontemplate state expenditures in excess of the appropriation available tothe Board. Prior to holding any such meeting for the fixing of salaries andexpenses as provided in this article, ten days' written notice of the time,place and purpose of such meeting shall be given every officer affected andto the mayor or city manager of the city or to the chairman of the governingbody and administrator, executive or manager of the county affected.
When the salaries, expenses and other allowances for the several counties andcities have been tentatively fixed by the Board they shall notify thegoverning body of each city and county of the amounts so fixed. Within thirtydays thereafter, but not later, the governing body may file with theCompensation Board any objection it may have to such allowances so fixed.When such objection is filed the Board shall fix a time for a hearing on suchobjection, of which time the governing body as well as the officer affectedshall have at least fifteen days' notice. For the purpose of determining themerits of such protest the governing body may designate two members of suchbody to serve as additional members of the Compensation Board and suchadditional members shall each have one vote on the Board.
The chairman of the Board shall record the salary of each such officer, hisclerks, assistants and deputies, and the allowances made for other items, andshall promptly notify each such officer of the same with respect to hisoffice.
In fixing, determining and recording the salaries of the full-time deputysheriffs mentioned in § 15.2-1609.2, the Board shall act solely withreference to establishing an aggregate allowance for personal services to therespective sheriffs for such deputy sheriffs. The annual salary of each suchfull-time deputy sheriff shall be fixed and determined as provided by §15.2-1609.2.
(Code 1950, §§ 14-63, 14-64; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-51; 1966, c. 688; 1979, cc.233, 538; 1980, cc. 587, 588; 1983, c. 382; 1989, c. 242; 1994, cc. 780, 792;1998, c. 872; 2000, c. 913.)