§ 15.2-1639. Providing offices for various officers, judges, etc.
The governing body of each county and city shall, if there are offices in thecourthouses of the respective counties and cities available for suchpurposes, provide offices for the treasurer, attorney for the Commonwealth,sheriff, commissioner of the revenue, commissioner of accounts and divisionsuperintendent of schools for such county or city. Any such governing bodymay, if there are offices in their respective courthouses available for suchpurposes, provide offices for the judge of any court sitting in the county orcity, and any judge of the Court of Appeals or justice of the Supreme Courtwho may reside in the county or city, and if such offices are not availablein the courthouse, offices may be provided by the governing body, if theydeem it proper, elsewhere than in the courthouse of the county or city.
(Code 1950, § 15-689; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-258; 1984, c. 703; 1997, c. 587.)