§ 15.2-1646. Certification of result to board of supervisors; procuring landand buildings; relocation to contiguous land.
If it appears from the returns that a majority of the votes cast at theelection specified in § 15.2-1644 are for the removal of the courthouse toone of the places specified in the petition or resolution, the results shallbe certified to the board of supervisors of the county, with the amountauthorized to be expended for land, if not donated, and for necessarybuildings and improvements. If the vote is for removal, the board ofsupervisors shall at once proceed to acquire the necessary land at the newlocation, if the same has not been donated, and to erect the necessarybuildings and improvements.
The relocation of a courthouse to land contiguous with its present location,including contiguous property directly across a public right-of-way, andwithin the same county is not such a removal as to require authorization bythe electorate.
The provisions of these sections requiring authorization by the electorateshall not apply, in the case of a joint court system, between AlbemarleCounty and the City of Charlottesville, James City County and the City ofWilliamsburg, York County and the City of Poquoson, and Greensville Countyand the City of Emporia, to the relocation of the courthouse to other landwithin the localities which it serves, from its present location, if thegoverning bodies find by concurrent resolutions that the existing courthouseis inadequate and that renovation or expansion of the existing courthouse isnot feasible.
(Code 1950, § 15-45; 1956, c. 95; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-561; 1971, Ex. Sess.,cc. 42, 245; 1975, c. 59; 1976, c. 497; 1994, c. 504; 1997, cc. 587, 598;2005, c. 36.)