§ 15.2-1648. Donation of land and money.
Any town or individual may donate to the county the land necessary for itsuses at any of the locations named in the petition, which shall not be lessthan one acre, and may offer as an inducement for such removal such sum ofmoney as may be desired. Any offer to donate the land shall be accompanied bya deed for the land, to be regularly executed and placed in the hands of theclerk of the county. Any offer of money shall be accompanied by a certifiedcheck or other satisfactory security to be likewise placed in the hands ofthe clerk to be delivered by him to the treasurer of the county. If thelocation stated in the deed or offer of money is selected by the voters, thetreasurer shall record the deed and collect and place the fund to the creditof the county to be drawn on by the board of supervisors as hereinafterdirected.
(Code 1950, § 15-47; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-563; 1997, c. 587.)