§ 15.2-1714. Establishing police lines, perimeters, or barricades.
Whenever fires, accidents, wrecks, explosions, crimes, riots or otheremergency situations where life, limb or property may be endangered may causepersons to collect on the public streets, alleys, highways, parking lots orother public area, the chief law-enforcement officer of any locality or thatofficer's authorized representative who is responsible for the security ofthe scene may establish such areas, zones or perimeters by the placement ofpolice lines or barricades as are reasonably necessary to (i) preserve theintegrity of evidence at such scenes, (ii) notwithstanding the provisions of§§ 46.2-888 through 46.2-891, facilitate the movement of vehicular andpedestrian traffic into, out of and around the scene, (iii) permitfirefighters, police officers and emergency services personnel to performnecessary operations unimpeded, and (iv) protect persons and property.
Any police line or barricade erected for these purposes shall be clearlyidentified by wording such as "Police Line - DO NOT CROSS" or other similarwording. If material or equipment is not available for identifying theprohibited area, then a verbal warning by identifiable law-enforcementofficials positioned to indicate a location of a police line or barricadeshall be given to any person or persons attempting to cross police lines orbarricades without proper authorization.
Such scene may be secured no longer than is reasonably necessary to effectthe above-described purposes. Nothing in this section shall limit orotherwise affect the authority of, or be construed to deny access to suchscene by, any person charged by law with the responsibility of renderingassistance at or investigating any such fires, accidents, wrecks, explosions,crimes or riots.
Personnel from information services such as press, radio and television, whengathering news, shall be exempt from the provisions of this section exceptthat it shall be unlawful for such persons to obstruct the police, firemenand rescue workers in the performance of their duties at such scene. Suchpersonnel shall proceed at their own risk.
(1984, c. 533, § 15.1-140.1; 1990, c. 327; 1997, c. 587.)