§ 15.2-1718. Receipt of missing child reports.
No police or sheriff's department shall establish or maintain any policywhich requires the observance of any waiting period before accepting amissing child report as defined in § 52-32. Upon receipt of a missing childreport by any police or sheriff's department, the department shallimmediately, but in all cases within two hours of receiving the report, enteridentifying and descriptive data about the child into the Virginia CriminalInformation Network and the National Crime Information Center Systems,forward the report to the Missing Children Information Clearinghouse withinthe Department of State Police, notify all other law-enforcement agencies inthe area, and initiate an investigation of the case.
(1985, c. 259, § 15.1-131.9; 1990, c. 239; 1997, c. 587; 2004, cc. 248, 443.)