§ 15.2-1724. Police and other officers may be sent beyond territorial limits.
Whenever the necessity arises (i) for the enforcement of laws designed tocontrol or prohibit the use or sale of controlled drugs as defined in §54.1-3401 or laws contained in Article 3 (§ 18.2-344 et seq.) of Chapter 8 ofTitle 18.2, (ii) in response to any law-enforcement emergency involving anyimmediate threat to life or public safety, (iii) during the execution of theprovisions of Article 4 (§ 37.2-808 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 37.2 or §16.1-340 or 16.1-340.1 relating to orders for temporary detention oremergency custody for mental health evaluation or (iv) during any emergencyresulting from the existence of a state of war, internal disorder, or fire,flood, epidemic or other public disaster, the police officers and otherofficers, agents and employees of any locality, the police officers of theDivision of Capitol Police, and the police of any state-supported institutionof higher learning appointed pursuant to § 23-233 may, together with allnecessary equipment, lawfully go or be sent beyond the territorial limits ofsuch locality, such agency, or such state-supported institution of higherlearning to any point within or without the Commonwealth to assist in meetingsuch emergency or need, or while enroute to a part of the jurisdiction whichis only accessible by roads outside the jurisdiction. However, the police ofany state-supported institution of higher learning may be sent only to alocality within the Commonwealth, or locality outside the Commonwealth, whoseboundaries are contiguous with the locality in which such institution islocated. No member of a police force of any state-supported institution ofhigher learning shall be sent beyond the territorial limits of the localityin which such institution is located unless such member has met therequirements established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services asprovided in subdivision 2 (i) of § 9.1-102.
In such event the acts performed for such purpose by such police officers orother officers, agents or employees and the expenditures made for suchpurpose by such locality, such agency, or a state-supported institution ofhigher learning shall be deemed conclusively to be for a public andgovernmental purpose, and all of the immunities from liability enjoyed by alocality, agency, or a state-supported institution of higher learning whenacting through its police officers or other officers, agents or employees fora public or governmental purpose within its territorial limits shall beenjoyed by it to the same extent when such locality, agency, or astate-supported institution of higher learning within the Commonwealth is soacting, under this section or under other lawful authority, beyond itsterritorial limits.
The police officers and other officers, agents and employees of any locality,agency, or a state-supported institution of higher learning when actinghereunder or under other lawful authority beyond the territorial limits ofsuch locality, agency, or such state-supported institution of higher learningshall have all of the immunities from liability and exemptions from laws,ordinances and regulations and shall have all of the pension, relief,disability, workers' compensation and other benefits enjoyed by them whileperforming their respective duties within the territorial limits of suchlocality, agency, or such state-supported institution of higher learning.
(Code 1950, § 15-552; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-131; 1968, c. 800; 1971, Ex.Sess., c. 238; 1976, c. 457; 1977, c. 79; 1979, c. 503; 1984, c. 779; 1992,c. 566; 1993, c. 860; 1995, c. 844; 1997, c. 587; 2008, c. 437; 2010, cc.778, 825.)