§ 15.2-1729. Agreements for enforcement of state and county laws by federalofficers on federal property.
A. The governing body of any county may enter into an agreement with theUnited States government or a department or agency thereof, under the termsof which agreement law-enforcement officers employed by such government,including but not limited to members of the United States Park Police, mayenforce the laws of such county and the Commonwealth on federally ownedproperties within such county, and on the highways located therein and otherpublic places abutting such properties. In the event such an agreement isentered into, all of the provisions of §§ 15.2-1724 and 15.2-1727 shall beapplicable, mutatis mutandis.
B. The governing body of any county governed under the provisions of Chapter8 (§ 15.2-800 et seq.) of Title 15.2 may enter into an agreement with theUnited States government or a department or agency thereof, under the termsof which agreement law-enforcement officers employed by such government,including but not limited to members of the United States Park Police, mayenforce the laws of such county and the Commonwealth on federally ownedproperties within such county, and on the highways and other public placesabutting such properties. In the event such an agreement is entered into, allof the provisions of §§ 15.2-1724 and 15.2-1727 shall be applicable, mutatismutandis.
(1972, c. 743, § 15.1-131.4; 1997, cc. 537, 587.)