§ 15.2-1745. Duties and powers of special police officers.
Special police shall apprehend and carry before a judge or magistrate to bedealt with according to law, all persons whom they may be directed by thewarrant of a judge or magistrate to apprehend, shall have the authority tomake arrests and issue summonses in accordance with Chapter 7 (§ 19.2-71 etseq.) of Title 19.2; and may execute any search warrant issued under §§19.2-52 and 19.2-53. If property that is mentioned in these sections isfound, the police shall proceed as officers acting under Chapter 5 (§ 19.2-52et seq.) of Title 19.2.
(Code 1950, § 15-571; 1960, c. 371; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-153; 1968, c. 639;1996, c. 850; 1997, c. 587.)