§ 15.2-1748. Powers of the academies.
A. Upon organization of an academy, it shall be a public body corporate andpolitic, the purposes of which shall be to establish and conduct training forpublic law-enforcement and correctional officers, those being trained to bepublic law-enforcement and correctional officers and other personnel whoassist or support such officers. The persons trained by an academy need notbe employed by a locality which has joined in the agreement creating theacademy.
B. Criminal justice training academies may:
1. Adopt and have a common seal and alter that seal at the pleasure of theboard of directors;
2. Sue and be sued;
3. Adopt bylaws and make rules and regulations for the conduct of itsbusiness;
4. Make and enter into all contracts or agreements, as it may determine arenecessary, incidental or convenient to the performance of its duties and tothe execution of the powers granted under this article;
5. Apply for and accept, disburse and administer for itself or for a membergovernmental unit any loans or grants of money, materials or property fromany private or charitable source, the United States of America, theCommonwealth, any agency or instrumentality thereof, or from any other source;
6. Employ engineers, attorneys, planners and such other professional expertsor consultants, and general and clerical employees as may be deemed necessaryand prescribe such experts, consultants, and employees' powers, duties, andcompensation;
7. Perform any acts authorized under this article through or by means of itsown officers, agents and employees, or by contracts with any person, firm orcorporation;
8. Acquire, whether by purchase, exchange, gift, lease or otherwise, anyinterest in real or personal property, and improve, maintain, equip andfurnish academy facilities;
9. Lease, sell, exchange, donate and convey any interest in any or all of itsprojects, property or facilities in furtherance of the purposes of theacademy as set forth in this article;
10. Accept contributions, grants and other financial assistance from theUnited States of America and its agencies or instrumentalities thereof, theCommonwealth, any political subdivision, agency or public instrumentalitythereof or from any other source, for or in aid of the construction,acquisition, ownership, maintenance or repair of the academy facilities, forthe payment of principal of, or interest on, any bond of the academy, orother costs incident thereto, or make loans in furtherance of the purposes ofthis article of such money, contributions, grants, and other financialassistance, and comply with such conditions and to execute such agreements,trust indentures, and other legal instruments as may be necessary, convenientor desirable and agree to such terms and conditions as may be imposed;
11. Borrow money from any source for capital purposes or to cover currentexpenditures in any given year in anticipation of the collection of revenues;
12. Mortgage and pledge any or all of its projects, property or facilities orparts thereof and pledge the revenues therefrom or from any part thereof assecurity for the payment of principal and premium, if any, and interest onany bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness;
13. Create an executive committee which may exercise the powers and authorityof the academy under this article pursuant to authority delegated to it bythe board of directors;
14. Establish fees or other charges for the training services provided;
15. Exercise the powers granted in the agreement creating the academy; and
16. Execute any and all instruments and do and perform any and all actsnecessary, convenient or desirable for its purposes or to carry out thepowers expressly given in this article.
(1993, c. 935, § 15.1-159.7:2; 1997, c. 587.)