§ 15.2-1806. Parks, recreation facilities, playgrounds, etc.
A. A locality may establish parks, recreation facilities and playgrounds; setapart for such use any land or buildings owned or leased by it; and acquireland, buildings and other facilities pursuant to § 15.2-1800 for theaforesaid purposes.
In regard to its parks, recreation facilities and playgrounds, a locality may:
1. Fix, prescribe, and provide for the collection of fees for their use;
2. Levy and collect an annual tax upon all property in the locality subjectto local taxation to pay, in whole or in part, the expenses incident to theirmaintenance and operation;
3. Operate their use through a department or bureau of recreation or delegatethe operation thereof to a recreation board created by it, to a school board,or any other appropriate existing board or commission.
B. A locality may also establish, conduct and regulate a system of hiking,biking, and horseback riding trails and may set apart for such use any landor buildings owned or leased by it and may obtain licenses or permits forsuch use on land not owned or leased by it. A locality may also establish,conduct and regulate a system of trails for all-terrain vehicles, off-roadmotorcycles, or both, as those terms are defined in § 46.2-100, and may setapart for such use any land or buildings owned or leased by it and may obtainlicenses, easements, leases, or permits for such use on land not owned orleased by it.
In furtherance of the purposes of this subsection, a locality may provide forthe protection of persons whose property interests, or personal liability,may be related to or affected by the use of such trails.
(1997, c. 587; 2008, c. 381.)