§ 15.2-1809. Liability of localities in the operation of parks, recreationalfacilities and playgrounds.
No city or town which operates any park, recreational facility or playgroundshall be liable in any civil action or proceeding for damages resulting fromany injury to the person or from a loss of or damage to the property of anyperson caused by any act or omission constituting ordinary negligence on thepart of any officer or agent of such city or town in the maintenance oroperation of any such park, recreational facility or playground. Every suchcity or town shall, however, be liable in damages for the gross negligence ofany of its officers or agents in the maintenance or operation of any suchpark, recreational facility or playground.
The immunity created by this section is hereby conferred upon counties inaddition to, and not limiting on, other immunity existing at common law or bystatute.
(Code 1950, § 15-714; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-291; 1979, c. 277; 1990, c. 18;1997, c. 587.)