§ 15.2-1908. Council or other governing body to file copy of resolution.
In any proceedings instituted by any city or county to acquire a waterworkssystem by condemnation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2 (§ 25.1-200 etseq.) of Title 25.1, as authorized by § 15.2-1906 and §§ 15.2-2146,15.2-2147, and 15.2-2148, after the body determining just compensation, asdefined in § 25.1-100, has filed its report as provided by § 25.1-232, itshall be the duty of its council or other governing body, within such time asmay be fixed and allowed by the court, to file in the proceedings a certifiedcopy of a resolution of such council or other governing body stating whetherthe council or other governing body is of the opinion that it is in the bestinterest of the city or county to take the property sought to be condemned atthe amount fixed by the body determining just compensation as compensation ordamages on account of the taking of same. If such copy of the resolution benot filed within the time allowed by the court, or within any extension ofsuch time which may be allowed, the proceedings shall be dismissed on motionof any party thereto.
(1938, p. 48; Michie Code 1942, § 4387a; Code 1950, § 25-47; 2003, c. 940.)