§ 15.2-1915. Proceedings dismissed on failure to pay compensation; judgmentfor fees and costs.
In the event that any such city or county fails to pay the amount fixed andascertained by the report of the body determining just compensation, asdirected by the court and within the time, or any extension thereof, allowedby the court as provided by § 15.2-1912, the proceedings shall be dismissedon motion of any party thereto. If such proceedings be so dismissed, judgmentshall be entered against such city or county for all costs and the attorneys'fee or fees actually incurred by the defendant or defendants; provided,however, that the fee or fees shall be so paid only to the extent they arereasonable in the opinion of the court.
(1938, p. 49; Michie Code 1942, § 4387a; Code 1950, § 25-54; 2003, c. 940.)