§ 15.2-1901. Condemnation authority.
A. In addition to the authority granted to localities pursuant to anyapplicable charter provision or other provision of law, whenever a localityis authorized to acquire real or personal property or property interests fora public use, it may do so by exercise of the power of eminent domain, exceptas provided in subsection B.
B. A locality may acquire property or property interests outside itsboundaries by exercise of the power of eminent domain only if such authorityis expressly conferred by general law or special act. However, cities andtowns shall have the right to acquire property outside their boundaries forthe purposes set forth in § 15.2-2109 by exercise of the power of eminentdomain. The exercise of such condemnation authority by a city or town shallnot be construed to exempt the municipality from the provisions of subsectionF of § 56-580.
(1997, c. 587; 2001, c. 538.)