§ 15.2-1901.1. Condemnation by localities authorized.
The governing body of any locality may acquire by condemnation title to (i)land, buildings and structures, (ii) any easement thereover or (iii) anysand, earth, gravel, water or other necessary material for the purpose ofopening, constructing, repairing or maintaining a road or for any otherauthorized public undertaking if the terms of purchase cannot be agreed uponor the owner (a) is unknown, (b) cannot with reasonable diligence be found inthe Commonwealth or (c) due to incapacity cannot negotiate an agreement.Condemnation proceedings shall be conducted under the provisions of Chapter 2(§ 25.1-200 et seq.) of Title 25.1 insofar as applicable.
(Code 1950, § 25-232; 1964, c. 291, § 25-232.01; 1980, c. 559; 1986, c. 117;2003, c. 940.)