§ 15.2-207. Boundaries of municipal corporations continued; charters not tocontain metes and bounds; incorporated by reference.
The boundaries of municipal corporations remain as now established unlesschanged as provided in this title. No charter of any municipal corporationshall contain the metes and bounds of such municipal corporation, but theboundaries shall be incorporated therein by reference to the recordation inthe clerk's office of the court where deeds are admitted to record of thefinal decree or order of the court establishing such boundaries or the act ofthe General Assembly by which they are defined. The part of the charter of amunicipal corporation defining its boundaries hereafter amended shall notcontain the metes and bounds of the municipal corporation, but the boundariesshall be incorporated therein by reference to the recordation of a finaldecree or order of court or to a General Assembly act.
(Code 1950, § 15.1-908; 1958, c. 328; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-836.2; 1979, c.297; 1997, c. 587.)