§ 15.2-2108.20. Authority to grant negotiated cable franchises and regulatecable systems.
A. A locality may grant a negotiated cable franchise in accordance with TitleVI of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 521 et seq.,and this chapter.
B. A locality may, by ordinance, exercise all regulatory powers over cablesystems granted by the Communications Act of 1934, except as limited by thisarticle. These regulatory powers shall include the authority: (i) to enforcecustomer service standards in accordance with the Act; (ii) to enforce morestringent standards as agreed upon by the cable operator through the terms ofa negotiated cable franchise; and (iii) to regulate the rates for basic cableservice in accordance with the Act. A locality, however, shall not regulatecable operators, cable systems, or other facilities used to provide videoprogramming through the adoption of ordinances or regulations (a) that aremore onerous than ordinances or regulations adopted for existing cableoperators; (b) that unreasonably prejudice or disadvantage any cableoperator, whether existing or new; or (c) that are inconsistent with anyprovision of federal law or this article.
(2006, cc. 73, 76.)