§ 15.2-2108.7. Public hearings on feasibility study; notice.
A. If the results of the feasibility study satisfy the revenue requirementsof subsection D of § 15.2-2108.6, the governing body shall, at the nextregular meeting after the governing body receives the results of thefeasibility study, schedule at least two public hearings to be held at leastseven days apart, but both shall be held not more than 60 days from the dateof the meeting at which the public hearings are scheduled. The purpose ofsuch public hearings shall be to allow the feasibility consultant to presentthe results of the feasibility study, and to inform the public about thefeasibility study results and offer the public the opportunity to askquestions of the feasibility consultant about the results of the feasibilitystudy.
B. Except as provided in subsection C, the municipality shall publish noticeof the public hearings required under subsection A at least once a week forthree consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in themunicipality. The last publication of notice required under this subsectionshall be at least three days before the first public hearing required undersubsection A.
C. If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the municipality, foreach 1,000 residents the municipality shall post at least one notice of thehearings in a conspicuous place within the municipality that is likely togive notice of the hearings to the greatest number of residents of themunicipality. The municipality shall post the notices at least seven daysbefore the first public hearing required under subsection A is held.
D. After holding the public hearings required by this section, if thegoverning body of the municipality elects to proceed, the municipality shalladopt by resolution the feasibility study.
(2003, c. 677.)