§ 15.2-2117. Contracts with sewerage or water purification company, etc.
Any locality may contract with any sewerage or water purification company tointroduce, build, maintain and operate a system of sewerage and waterpurification or of sewers, pipes and conduits suitable, necessary and properfor the purification of the water supply or for the sewerage of any suchlocality, including the authority to contract for, and contract to provide,meter reading, billing and collections, leak detection, meter replacement andany related customer service functions. The authority granted localitiesunder this chapter to enter into contracts with private entities includes theauthority to enter into public-private partnerships for the establishment andoperation of water and sewage systems.
Any locality may also require the owners or occupiers of the real estatewithin the limits of any such locality, which may front or abut on the lineof any such sewers, pipes or conduits, to make connections with and to usesuch sewers, pipes and conduits in accordance with ordinances and regulationsthe governing body deems necessary to secure the proper sewerage thereof andto improve and secure good sanitary conditions. The locality may also enforcethe observance of all such ordinances and regulations by the imposition andcollection of fines and penalties.
Any locality, contracting with any company for the objects and purposesaforesaid may provide in any such contract for the fees and charges to bepaid by the owners or occupiers of the properties within the limits of anysuch locality, to any such company for connecting with, tapping or using anysuch sewer, pipes or conduits introduced in any such locality as aforesaid.
Any locality may make and enforce all such ordinances as may be necessary andproper to compel the payment of such fees and charges and may also do allother acts and things that may be necessary to establish, enforce andmaintain under any such contract a complete system of water and seweragepurification and sewerage for any such locality.
(Code 1950, §§ 15-717, 15-718, 15-719; 1962, c. 623, §§ 15.1-294, 15.1-297,15.1-298; 1997, c. 587; 2001, c. 120; 2002, c. 446.)