§ 15.2-2118. Lien for water and sewer charges and taxes imposed by localities.
The governing body of any county adjoining a city lying wholly within theCommonwealth and which has a population of more than 75,000 according to the1970 or any subsequent census and any county having a density of populationof more than 600 per square mile according to the 1960 or any subsequentcensus, Botetourt, Caroline, Culpeper, Cumberland, Franklin, Gloucester,Goochland, Hanover, Isle of Wight, New Kent, Orange and any town locatedtherein, Rockingham, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and York Counties, the Cities ofFairfax, Manassas Park, Newport News, Petersburg, Richmond, and Roanoke, andthe Towns of Blacksburg, Front Royal, and Kenbridge may by ordinance providethat taxes or charges hereafter made, imposed, or incurred for water orsewers or use thereof within or outside such locality shall be a lien on thereal estate served by such waterline or sewer. Where residential rental realestate is involved, no lien shall attach (i) unless the user of the water orsewer services is also the owner of the real estate or (ii) unless the ownerof the real estate negotiated or executed the agreement by which such wateror sewer services were provided to the property.
(Code 1950, § 15-717.1; 1950, p. 896; 1962, cc. 511, 623, § 15.1-295; 1977,c. 66; 1978, c. 478; 1980, c. 323; 1990, c. 382; 1991, c. 172; 1993, c. 359;1994, c. 627; 1997, c. 587; 1998, cc. 313, 568; 1999, cc. 311, 767, 841;2000, c. 287; 2002, c. 193; 2003, c. 191; 2004, cc. 24, 712; 2005, c. 730;2006, cc. 645, 749; 2007, cc. 152, 886; 2008, cc. 332, 428; 2010, c. 631.)