§ 15.2-2123. Sewage treatment plants to include certain capability.
Whenever the governing body of a locality or a combination of governingbodies of two or more localities is using the authority of this chapter toconstruct a new sewage treatment plant, or a hydraulic expansion or majorupgrade of an existing sewage treatment plant, the facility shall be designedand constructed so that it has the capability to treat the septage from allonsite sewage disposal systems, which are not adequately served by anotherapproved disposal site, located in the area of the locality or combinationthereof to be served by such plant. However, the locality or combinationthereof may limit the amount of septage that the sewage treatment plant isdesigned to accept in order to eliminate or reduce a disproportionateengineering, design, or fiscal burden that may be placed on the sewagetreatment plant or its users, to utilize cost-effective regional approaches,or to address engineering design considerations including protection ofbiological treatment processes.
The locality or combination thereof shall notify the Department ofEnvironmental Quality of the septage treatment capability of the sewagetreatment plant prior to the Department's issuance of a state certificate toconstruct for such new, expanded, or upgraded facility. The locality orcombination thereof shall provide a copy of such notification to the Board ofHealth to assist the Board of Health in its long-range planning pursuant to §32.1-163.2.
This notification requirement shall not apply to any new project for which apreliminary engineering report has been submitted to the Department ofEnvironmental Quality on or before December 31, 2008.
(1986, c. 329, § 15.1-317.1; 1997, c. 587; 2008, c. 389.)