§ 15.2-2134. Construction of dams, etc., for purpose of providing publicwater supply; approval by governing body of locality.
Every locality is authorized to make expenditures from its general fund inorder to acquire land, participate in the construction of dams and performall other necessary acts for the purpose of providing a public water supplyfor the agricultural, residential, governmental and industrial development ofthe locality; however, such dam shall not be constructed nor any landacquired therefor when the dam would be located in another locality withoutthe approval of such locality's governing body. No such approval shall berequired when the dam is in the process of construction, or the site has beenpurchased, or plans for its construction were filed with any appropriateagency of the federal, state, or local government on or before July 1, 1976.
In any case in which approval by such locality's governing body is withheld,the party seeking such approval may petition for the convening of a specialcourt, pursuant to §§ 15.2-2135 through 15.2-2141.
(Code 1950 (Suppl.), §§ 15-20.8, 15-26.1; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 18; 1960, c.515; 1962, cc. 492, 623, § 15.1-37; 1975, c. 573; 1976, c. 69; 1997, c. 587.)