§ 15.2-2146. Powers of localities to acquire certain waterworks system.
For the purpose of providing an adequate water supply or of acquiring,maintaining or enlarging a waterworks system, including chronicallynoncompliant waterworks, as defined in § 32.1-167, any locality, in additionto other powers conferred by law, may acquire, as provided in § 15.2-1800,within or outside or partly within and partly outside the limits of thelocality, the property, in whole or in part, whensoever acquired, of anyprivate or public service corporation operating a waterworks system orchartered for the purpose of acquiring or operating such a system. Suchproperty shall include its lands, plants, works, buildings, machinery, pipes,mains, wells, basins, reservoirs and all appurtenances thereto and itscontracts, easements, rights and franchises, including its franchise to be acorporation, whether such property, or any part thereof, is essential to thepurposes of the corporation or not. However, any locality condemning propertyhereunder shall furnish water, at appropriate rates, to the customers of anywater company whose property is condemned. The provisions of § 25.1-102 shallnot apply in the case of condemnation of an existing water or sewage disposalsystem in its entirety.
(Code 1950, § 15-749; 1958, c. 401; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-335; 1966, c. 170;1987, c. 200; 1997, c. 587; 2003, c. 940; 2007, cc. 648, 774.)