§ 15.2-2225. Notice and hearing on plan; recommendation by local planningcommission to governing body; posting of plan on website.
Prior to the recommendation of a comprehensive plan or any part thereof, thelocal planning commission shall (i) post the comprehensive plan or partthereof that is to be considered for recommendation on a website that ismaintained by the commission or on any other website on which the commissiongenerally posts information, and that is available to the public or thatclearly describes how the public may access information regarding the plan orpart thereof being considered for recommendation, (ii) give notice inaccordance with § 15.2-2204, and (iii) hold a public hearing on the plan.After the public hearing, the commission may approve, amend and approve, ordisapprove the plan. Upon approval, the commission shall by resolutionrecommend the plan, or part thereof, to the governing body and a copy shallbe certified to the governing body. Any comprehensive plan or part thereofapproved by the commission pursuant to this section shall be posted on awebsite that is maintained by the commission or on any other website on whichthe commission generally posts information, and that is available to thepublic or that clearly describes how the public may access informationregarding the plan or part thereof approved by the commission and certifiedto the governing body. Inadvertent failure to post information on a websitein accordance with this section shall not invalidate action taken by thelocal planning commission following notice and public hearing as requiredherein.
(Code 1950, §§ 15-908, 15-921, 15-922, 15-964.2, 15-964.3; 1958, c. 389;1962, c. 407, § 15.1-448, 15.1-449; 1968, c. 735; 1975, c. 641; 1976, c. 642;1997, c. 587; 2009, c. 605.)