§ 15.2-2226. Adoption or disapproval of plan by governing body.
After certification of the plan or part thereof, the governing body shallpost the comprehensive plan or part thereof certified by the local planningcommission on a website that is maintained by the governing body or on anyother website on which the governing body generally posts information, andthat is available to the public or that clearly describes how the public mayaccess information regarding the plan or part thereof being considered foradoption. After a public hearing with notice as required by § 15.2-2204, thegoverning body shall proceed to a consideration of the plan or part thereofand shall approve and adopt, amend and adopt, or disapprove the plan. Inacting on the plan or part thereof, or any amendments to the plan, thegoverning body shall act within ninety days of the local planningcommission's recommending resolution. Any comprehensive plan or part thereofadopted by the governing body pursuant to this section shall be posted on awebsite that is maintained by the local governing body or on any otherwebsite on which the governing body generally posts information, and that isavailable to the public or that clearly describes how the public may accessinformation regarding the plan or part thereof adopted by the local governingbody. Inadvertent failure to post information on a website in accordance withthis section shall not invalidate action taken by the governing bodyfollowing notice and public hearing as required herein.
(Code 1950, § 15-964.4; 1962, c. 407, § 15.1-450; 1975, c. 641; 1976, c. 642;1997, c. 587; 2000, c. 893; 2009, c. 605.)