§ 15.2-2233. Maps to be prepared in localities; what map shall show.
In localities where no official map exists, or where an existing official mapis incomplete, the local planning commission may make, or cause to be made, amap showing the location of any:
1. Legally established public street, alley, walkway, waterway, and publicarea of the locality; and
2. Future or proposed public street, alley, walkway, waterway and public area.
No future or proposed street or street line, waterway, nor public area, shallbe shown on an official map unless and until the centerline of the street,the course of the waterway, or the metes and bounds of the public area, havebeen fixed or determined in relation to known, fixed and permanent monumentsby a physical survey or aerial photographic survey thereof. In addition tothe centerline of each street, the map shall indicate the width of theright-of-way thereof. Local planning commissions are hereby empowered to makeor cause to be made the surveys required herein.
After adoption by the governing body of an official map, the local governingbody may acquire in any way permitted by law property which is or may beneeded for the construction of any street, alley, walkway, waterway or publicarea shown on the map. When an application for a building permit is made to alocality for an area shown on the official map as a future or proposedright-of-way, the locality shall have sixty days to either grant or deny thebuilding permit. If the permit is denied for the sole purpose of acquiringthe property, the locality has 120 days from the date of denial to acquirethe property, either through negotiation or by filing condemnationproceedings. If the locality has not acted within the 120 day period, thebuilding permit shall be issued to the applicant provided all otherrequirements of law have been met.
(Code 1950, § 15-965; 1962, c. 407, § 15.1-458; 1976, c. 619; 1988, c. 436;1995, c. 264; 1997, c. 587.)