§ 15.2-2239. Local planning commissions to prepare and submit annuallycapital improvement programs to governing body or official charged withpreparation of budget.
A local planning commission may, and at the direction of the governing bodyshall, prepare and revise annually a capital improvement program based on thecomprehensive plan of the locality for a period not to exceed the ensuingfive years. The commission shall submit the program annually to the governingbody, or to the chief administrative officer or other official charged withpreparation of the budget for the locality, at such time as it or he shalldirect. The capital improvement program shall include the commission'srecommendations, and estimates of cost of the facilities, including any roadimprovement and any transportation improvement the locality chooses toinclude in its capital improvement plan and as provided for in thecomprehensive plan, and the means of financing them, to be undertaken in theensuing fiscal year and in a period not to exceed the next four years, as thebasis of the capital budget for the locality. In the preparation of itscapital budget recommendations, the commission shall consult with the chiefadministrative officer or other executive head of the government of thelocality, the heads of departments and interested citizens and organizationsand shall hold such public hearings as it deems necessary.
Localities may use value engineering for any capital project. For purposes ofthis section, "value engineering" has the same meaning as that in §2.2-1133.
(Code 1950, § 15-966; 1962, c. 407, § 15.1-464; 1975, c. 641; 1976, c. 650;1996, c. 553; 1997, c. 587; 2006, c. 565.)