§ 15.2-2247. Applicability of subdivision ordinance to manufactured homes.
Any locality may designate by ordinance the areas within its jurisdiction inwhich manufactured homes may be located or manufactured home parks may beestablished, notwithstanding the absence of a zoning ordinance in suchlocality. Such ordinance may also apply to any of the provisions of §§15.2-2241 through 15.2-2245 in the regulation and governing of the location,establishment, and operation of manufactured homes or manufactured homeparks. The ordinance may apply to any park or portion thereof licensed as acampground pursuant to Title 35.1 of this Code. In the event ofirreconcilable conflict between the ordinance and state law, the state lawshall supersede the ordinance.
(1980, c. 539, § 15.1-466.1; 1981, c. 467; 1997, c. 587; 1999, c. 77.)