§ 15.2-2267. Petition to restrict access to certain public streets.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 15.2-2265, when the streets in asubdivision have not been accepted into the highway system and serve only, orare primarily for, the general welfare of the inhabitants of the subdivisionand do not serve as a connector to other public rights-of-way, then uponpetition to the governing body of the locality, signed by the owners oftwo-thirds of the subdivision lots, including the subdivider if he has aninterest in the subdivision, requesting that they be allowed to restrictingress and egress to the subdivision, the governing body may permit therestriction subject to the following conditions:
1. The restriction may be abolished at any time in the sole discretion of thegoverning body,
2. The restriction shall not be asserted in opposition to the publicownership,
3. The streets shall not be blocked to ingress and egress of government orpublic service company vehicles,
4. Necessary maintenance of the streets will be paid for by the owners, and
5. Such other conditions as may be imposed by the governing body.
(1980, c. 358, § 15.1-478.2; 1997, c. 587.)