§ 15.2-2275. Relocation or vacation of boundary lines.
Any locality may provide, as a part of its subdivision ordinance, that theboundary lines of any lot or parcel of land may be vacated, relocated orotherwise altered as a part of an otherwise valid and properly recorded platof subdivision or resubdivision (i) approved as provided in the subdivisionordinance or (ii) properly recorded prior to the applicability of asubdivision ordinance, and executed by the owner or owners of the land asprovided in § 15.2-2264. The action shall not involve the relocation oralteration of streets, alleys, easements for public passage, or other publicareas. No easements or utility rights-of-way shall be relocated or alteredwithout the express consent of all persons holding any interest therein.
Alternatively, a locality may allow the vacating of lot lines by recordationof a deed providing that no easements or utility rights-of-way located alongany lot lines to be vacated shall be extinguished or altered without theexpress consent of all persons holding any interest therein. The deed shallbe approved in writing, on its face, by the local governing body or itsdesignee. The deed shall reference the recorded plat by which the lot linewas originally created.
(1982, c. 294, § 15.1-483.1; 1993, c. 121; 1997, cc. 524, 545, 587; 2005, c.338.)