§ 15.2-2290. Uniform regulations for manufactured housing.
A. Localities adopting and enforcing zoning ordinances under the provisionsof this article shall provide that, in all agricultural zoning districts ordistricts having similar classifications regardless of name or designationwhere agricultural, horticultural, or forest uses such as but not limited tothose described in § 58.1-3230 are the dominant use, the placement ofmanufactured houses that are on a permanent foundation and on individual lotsshall be permitted, subject to development standards that are equivalent tothose applicable to site-built single family dwellings within the same orequivalent zoning district.
B. Localities adopting and enforcing zoning regulations under the provisionsof this article may, to provide for the general purposes of zoningordinances, adopt uniform standards, so long as they apply to all residentialstructures erected within the agricultural zoning district or other districtsidentified in subsection A of this section incorporating such standards. Thestandards shall not have the effect of excluding manufactured housing.
C. Local zoning ordinances adopting provisions consistent with this sectionshall not relieve lots or parcels from the obligations relating tomanufactured housing units imposed by the terms of a restrictive covenant.
(1990, c. 840, § 15.1-486.4; 1991, c. 198; 1995, cc. 540, 583; 1997, c. 587.)