§ 15.2-2293.1. Placement of amateur radio antennas.
Any ordinance involving the placement, screening or height of antennas shallreasonably accommodate amateur radio antennas and shall impose the minimumregulation necessary to accomplish the locality's legitimate purpose. Inlocalities having a population density of 120 persons or less per square mileaccording to the 1990 United States census, no local ordinance shall (i)restrict amateur radio antenna height to less than 200 feet above groundlevel as permitted by the Federal Communications Commission or (ii) restrictthe number of support structures. In localities having a population densityof more than 120 persons per square mile according to the 1990 United Statescensus, no local ordinance shall (i) restrict amateur radio antenna height toless than 75 feet above ground level or (ii) restrict the number of supportstructures. Reasonable and customary engineering practices shall be followedin the erection of amateur radio antennas. This section shall not precludeany locality, by ordinance, from regulating amateur radio antennas withregard to reasonable requirements relating to the use of screening, setback,placement, and health and safety requirements.
(1998, c. 642.)