§ 15.2-2304. Affordable dwelling unit ordinances in certain localities.
In furtherance of the purpose of providing affordable shelter for allresidents of the Commonwealth, the governing bodies of any county where theurban county executive form of government or the county manager plan ofgovernment is in effect, the Counties of Albemarle and Loudoun, and the Cityof Alexandria may by amendment to the zoning ordinances of such localitiesprovide for an affordable housing dwelling unit program. The program shalladdress housing needs, promote a full range of housing choices, and encouragethe construction and continued existence of moderately priced housing byproviding for optional increases in density in order to reduce land costs forsuch moderately priced housing. Any project that is subject to an affordablehousing dwelling unit program adopted pursuant to this section shall not besubject to an additional requirement outside of such program to contribute toa county or city housing fund.
Any local ordinance of any other locality providing optional increases indensity for provision of low and moderate income housing adopted beforeDecember 31, 1988, shall continue in full force and effect.
(1989, cc. 634, 748, § 15.1-491.8; 1990, cc. 591, 834; 1991, c. 599; 1997,cc. 587, 607; 2001, cc. 18, 313; 2002, c. 151; 2004, c. 543.)