§ 15.2-2318. Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Cost" includes, in addition to all labor, materials, machinery andequipment for construction, (i) acquisition of land, rights-of-way, propertyrights, easements and interests, including the costs of moving or relocatingutilities, (ii) demolition or removal of any structure on land so acquired,including acquisition of land to which such structure may be moved, (iii)survey, engineering, and architectural expenses, (iv) legal, administrative,and other related expenses, and (v) interest charges and other financingcosts if impact fees are used for the payment of principal and interest onbonds, notes or other obligations issued by the locality to finance the roadimprovement.
"Impact fee" means a charge or assessment imposed against new developmentin order to generate revenue to fund or recover the costs of reasonable roadimprovements benefiting the new development. Impact fees may not be assessedand imposed for road repair, operation and maintenance, nor to meet demandwhich existed prior to the new development.
"Impact fee service area" means an area designated within the comprehensiveplan of a locality having clearly defined boundaries and clearly relatedtraffic needs and within which development is to be subject to the assessmentof impact fees.
"Road improvement" includes construction of new roads or improvement orexpansion of existing roads and related appurtenances as required byapplicable standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation, or theapplicable standards of a locality with road maintenance responsibilities, tomeet increased demand attributable to new development. Road improvements donot include on-site construction of roads which a developer may be requiredto provide pursuant to §§ 15.2-2241 through 15.2-2245.
(1989, c. 485, § 15.1-498.2; 1992, c. 465; 1997, c. 587; 2007, c. 896.)