§ 15.2-2321. Adoption of road improvements program.
Prior to adopting a system of impact fees, the locality shall conduct anassessment of road improvement needs benefiting an impact fee service areaand shall adopt a road improvements plan for the area showing the new roadsproposed to be constructed and the existing roads to be improved or expandedand the schedule for undertaking such construction, improvement or expansion.The road improvements plan shall be adopted as an amendment to the requiredcomprehensive plan and shall be incorporated into the capital improvementsprogram or, in the case of the counties where applicable, the six-year planfor secondary road construction pursuant to § 33.1-70.01.
The locality shall adopt the road improvements plan after holding a dulyadvertised public hearing. The public hearing notice shall identify theimpact fee service area or areas to be designated, and shall include asummary of the needs assessment and the assumptions upon which the assessmentis based, the proposed amount of the impact fee, and information as to how acopy of the complete study may be examined. A copy of the complete studyshall be available for public inspection and copying at reasonable timesprior to the public hearing.
The locality at a minimum shall include the following items in assessing roadimprovement needs and preparing a road improvements plan:
1. An analysis of the existing capacity, current usage and existingcommitments to future usage of existing roads, as indicated by (i) currentand projected service levels, (ii) current valid building permitsoutstanding, and (iii) approved and pending site plans and subdivision plats.If the current usage and commitments exceed the existing capacity of theroads, the locality also shall determine the costs of improving the roads tomeet the demand. The analysis shall include any off-site road improvements orcash payments for road improvements accepted by the locality and shallinclude a plan to fund the current usages and commitments that exceed theexisting capacity of the roads.
2. The projected need for and costs of construction of new roads orimprovement or expansion of existing roads attributable in whole or in partto projected new development. Road improvement needs shall be projected forthe impact fee service area when fully developed in accord with thecomprehensive plan and, if full development is projected to occur more than20 years in the future, at the end of a 20-year period. The assumptions withregard to land uses, densities, intensities, and population upon which roadimprovement projections are based shall be presented.
3. The total number of new service units projected for the impact fee servicearea when fully developed and, if full development is projected to occur morethan 20 years in the future, at the end of a 20-year period. A "serviceunit" is a standardized measure of traffic use or generation. The localityshall develop a table or method for attributing service units to varioustypes of development and land use, including but not limited to residential,commercial and industrial uses. The table shall be based upon the ITE manual(published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers) or locally conductedtrip generation studies, and consistent with the traffic analysis standardsadopted pursuant to § 15.2-2222.1.
(1989, c. 485, § 15.1-498.4; 1992, c. 465; 1997, c. 587; 2007, c. 896.)