§ 15.2-2329. Imposition of impact fees.
A. Any locality that includes within its comprehensive plan a calculation ofthe capital costs of public facilities necessary to serve residential usesmay impose and collect impact fees in amounts consistent with themethodologies used in its comprehensive plan to defray the capital costs ofpublic facilities related to the residential development.
B. Impact fees imposed and collected pursuant to this section shall only beused for public facilities that are impacted by residential development.
C. A locality imposing impact fees as provided in this section shall allowcredit against the impact fees for cash proffers collected for the purpose ofdefraying the capital costs of public facilities related to the residentialdevelopment. A locality imposing impact fees as provided in this sectionshall also include within its comprehensive plan a methodology forcalculating credit for the value of proffered land donations to accommodatepublic facilities, and for the construction cost of any public facilities orpublic improvements the construction of which is required by proffer.
D. A locality imposing impact fees under this section may require that suchimpact fees be paid prior to and as a condition of the issuance of anynecessary building permits for residential uses.
E. For the purposes of this section, "public facilities" shall be deemed toinclude: (i) roads, streets, and bridges, including rights-of-way, trafficsignals, landscaping, and any local components of federal or state highways;(ii) stormwater collection, retention, detention, treatment, and disposalfacilities, flood control facilities, and bank and shore protection andenhancement improvements; (iii) parks, open space, and recreation areas andrelated facilities; (iv) public safety facilities, including police, fire,emergency medical, and rescue facilities; (v) primary and secondary schoolsand related facilities; and (vi) libraries and related facilities; however,the definition "public facilities" for counties within the Richmond MSAshall be deemed to include: roads, streets, and bridges, includingrights-of-way, traffic signals, landscaping, and any local components offederal or state highways.
(2007, c. 896.)