§ 15.2-2400. Creation of service districts.
Any locality may by ordinance, or any two or more localities may byconcurrent ordinances, create service districts within the locality orlocalities in accordance with the provisions of this article. Servicedistricts may be created to provide additional, more complete or more timelyservices of government than are desired in the locality or localities as awhole.
Any locality seeking to create a service district shall have a public hearingprior to the creation of the service district. Notice of such hearing shallbe published once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation within the locality, and the hearing shall be held nosooner than ten days after the date the second notice appears in thenewspaper.
(Code 1950, § 15-8.2; 1962, c. 581, § 15.1-18.2; 1981, c. 631, § 15.1-18.3;1982, c. 96; 1984, c. 385; 1985, c. 150; 1987, cc. 61, 80, 82; 1988, c. 402;1989, c. 3; 1990, cc. 44, 515; 1991, cc. 12, 29; 1992, cc. 232, 655; 1993, c.744; 1994, c. 166; 1996, cc. 99, 430, 844; 1997, c. 587; 2000, cc. 853, 925.)