§ 15.2-2406. How cost assessed or apportioned.
The cost of such improvement, when the same shall have been ascertained,shall be assessed or apportioned by the governing body, or by some committeethereof, or by any officer or board authorized by the governing body to makesuch assessment or apportionment, between the locality and the abuttingproperty owners when less than the whole is assessed, provided that in citiesand towns, except when it is otherwise agreed, that portion assessed againstthe abutting property owner or owners shall not exceed one-half of the totalcost; but in cities and towns having a population not exceeding 12,000, theamount assessed shall not exceed three-fourths of the total cost of suchimprovement, and in the City of Chesapeake and the City of Virginia Beach,the amount assessed shall not exceed the total cost. Notwithstanding anyother provision of this article, any portion of the cost of such improvementsnot funded by such special assessment may be paid from federal or state fundsreceived by the locality for such purpose.
(Code 1950, § 15-671; 1956, c. 27; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-241; 1972, c. 767;1974, c. 623; 1978, c. 594; 1997, c. 587; 2005, c. 515; 2007, c. 813.)