§ 15.2-2407. Assessments to be reported to collector of taxes; postponementof payment by certain property owners.
The amount assessed against each landowner, or for which he is liable byagreement, shall be reported as soon as practicable to the collector oftaxes, who shall enter the same as provided for other taxes.
The governing body may provide for the postponement of the payment of suchassessment by certain elderly or permanently and totally disabled propertyowners meeting certain conditions until the sale of the property or the deathof the last eligible owner. Eligibility for postponement shall be subject tothe conditions set forth in § 58.1-3211 for such elderly or permanently andtotally disabled persons. The governing body may provide for the postponementof the payment of such assessment until the property owner actually connectsto the public utility system. However, if the property is conveyed betweenthe time the assessment is made and the time the property owner actuallyconnects to the public utility system, then the entire amount due under theassessment becomes due and payable on the day of the conveyance. In anyevent, the entire amount of assessment due shall be paid no later than tenyears from the creation of the district.
The collector of taxes shall enter those assessments postponed by thegoverning body in accordance with the conditions prescribed as provided forother taxes, but the eligible property owner shall have the option of paymentor postponement.
(Code 1950, § 15-672; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-242; 1973, c. 211; 1978, c. 711;1980, c. 726; 1996, c. 222; 1997, c. 587.)