§ 15.2-2411. How such appeal tried; lien of judgment; when to take effect;how enforced.
Such appeal shall be tried by the court in a summary way, without pleadingsin writing and without a jury, after ten days' notice to the adverse party,and the hearing shall be de novo. The amount finally assessed against orapportioned to each landowner, or fixed by agreement with him, ashereinbefore provided, shall be a lien enforceable in equity on his abuttingland, from the time when the work of improvement has been completed, subjectto his right of appeal and objections as aforesaid. Such lien shall beenforceable against any person deemed to have had notice of the proposedassessment under § 15.2-2412, but if no abstract of the resolution orordinance authorizing the improvement is docketed as provided in § 15.2-2412,such lien shall be void as to all purchasers for valuable considerationwithout notice and lien creditors until and except from the time it is dulyadmitted to record in the county or city wherein the land is situated.
(Code 1950, § 15-676; 1952, c. 332; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-246; 1964, c. 521;1978, c. 15; 1989, c. 171; 1997, c. 587.)