§ 15.2-2820. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Bar or lounge area" means any establishment or portion of an establishmentdevoted to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages for consumption on thepremises and where the sale or service of food or meals is incidental to theconsumption of the alcoholic beverages.
"Educational facility" means any building used for instruction of enrolledstudents, including but not limited to any day-care center, nursery school,public or private school, college, university, medical school, law school, orcareer and technical education school.
"Health care facility" means any institution, place, building, or agencyrequired to be licensed under Virginia law, including but not limited to anyhospital, nursing facility or nursing home, boarding home, assisted livingfacility, supervised living facility, or ambulatory medical and surgicalcenter.
"Private club" means an organization, whether incorporated or not, that (i)is the owner, lessee, or occupant of a building or portion thereof usedexclusively for club purposes, including club or member sponsored events;(ii) is operated solely for recreational, fraternal, social, patriotic,political, benevolent, or athletic purposes, and only sells alcoholicbeverages incidental to its operation; (iii) has established bylaws, aconstitution, or both that govern its activities; and (iv) the affairs andmanagement of which are conducted by a board of directors, executivecommittee, or similar body chosen by the members at an annual meeting.
"Private function" means any gathering of persons for the purpose ofdeliberation, education, instruction, entertainment, amusement, or diningthat is not intended to be open to the public and for which membership orspecific invitation is a prerequisite to entry.
"Private work place" means any office or work area that is not open to thepublic in the normal course of business except by individual invitation.
"Proprietor" means the owner or lessee of the public place, who ultimatelycontrols the activities within the public place. The term "proprietor"includes corporations, associations, or partnerships as well as individuals.
"Public conveyance" or "public vehicle" means any air, land, or watervehicle used for the mass transportation of persons in intrastate travel forcompensation, including but not limited to any airplane, train, bus, or boatthat is not subject to federal smoking regulations.
"Public place" means any enclosed, indoor area used by the general public,including but not limited to any building owned or leased by the Commonwealthor any agency thereof or any locality, public conveyance or public vehicle,educational facility, hospital, nursing facility or nursing home, otherhealth care facility, library, retail store of 15,000 square feet or more,auditorium, arena, theater, museum, concert hall, or other area used for aperformance or an exhibit of the arts or sciences, or any meeting room.
"Recreational facility" means any enclosed, indoor area used by the generalpublic and used as a stadium, arena, skating rink, video game facility, orsenior citizen recreational facility.
"Restaurant" means any place where food is prepared for service to thepublic on or off the premises, or any place where food is served. Examples ofsuch places include but are not limited to lunchrooms, short order places,cafeterias, coffee shops, cafes, taverns, delicatessens, diningaccommodations of public or private clubs, kitchen facilities of hospitalsand nursing homes, dining accommodations of public and private schools andcolleges, and kitchen areas of local correctional facilities subject tostandards adopted under § 53.1-68. "Restaurant" shall not include (i)places where packaged or canned foods are manufactured and then distributedto grocery stores or other similar food retailers for sale to the public,(ii) mobile points of service to the general public that are outdoors, or(iii) mobile points of service where such service and consumption occur in aprivate residence or in any location that is not a public place."Restaurant" shall include any bar or lounge area that is part of suchrestaurant.
"Smoke" or "smoking" means the carrying or holding of any lighted pipe,cigar, or cigarette of any kind, or any other lighted smoking equipment, orthe lighting, inhaling, or exhaling of smoke from a pipe, cigar, or cigaretteof any kind.
"Theater" means any indoor facility or auditorium, open to the public,which is primarily used or designed for the purpose of exhibiting any motionpicture, stage production, musical recital, dance, lecture, or other similarperformance.
(2009, cc. 153, 154.)