§ 15.2-2903. General powers and duties of Commission.
The Commission shall have the following general powers and duties:
1. To make regulations, including rules of procedure for the conducting ofhearings;
2. To keep a record of its proceedings and to be responsible for the custodyand preservation of its papers and documents;
3. To serve as a mediator between localities;
4. To investigate, analyze, and make findings of fact, as directed by law, asto the probable effect on the people residing in any area of the Commonwealthof any proposed action in that area:
a. To annex territory,
b. To have an area declared immune from annexation,
c. To establish a town or independent city,
d. To settle or adjust boundaries between localities,
e. To make a transition from city status to town status,
f. To make a transition from a county to a city,
g. To consolidate two or more localities, at least one of which is a county,into a city, or
h. To enter into economic growth-sharing agreements among localities;
5. To conduct investigations, analyses and determinations, in the solediscretion of the Commission, for the guidance of localities in the conductof their affairs upon the request of such localities;
6. To receive from all agencies, as defined in § 2.2-128, assessments of allmandates imposed on localities administered by such agencies. The assessmentsshall be conducted on a schedule to be set by the Commission, with theapproval of the Governor and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, providedthat the assessments shall not be required to be performed more than onceevery four years. The purpose of the assessments shall be to determine whichmandates, if any, may be altered or eliminated. If an assessment reveals thatsuch mandates may be altered or eliminated without interruption of localservice delivery and without undue threat to the health, safety and welfareof the residents of the Commonwealth, the Commission shall so advise theGovernor and the General Assembly;
7. To prepare and annually update a catalog of state and federal mandatesimposed on localities including, where available, a summary of the fiscalimpact on localities of all new mandates. All departments, agencies ofgovernment, and localities are directed to make available such informationand assistance as the Commission may request in maintaining the catalog; and
8. To perform such other duties as may be imposed upon it, from time to time,by law.
(1979, c. 85, § 15.1-945.3; 1980, c. 592; 1984, c. 444; 1985, cc. 397, 478;1988, c. 881; 1993, cc. 652, 723; 1997, c. 587; 2004, c. 234.)